During the summer of 2018, educators and children from two classrooms took weekly walks to the cemetery and began to think deeply about our relation to the place we so often visited. We had been discussing many facets of our visits and wanted to make visible to families and each other the thinking we had been doing about how we relate to the space and it’s more-than-human inhabitants. We wanted to find a way to document our pedagogical conversations about our visits in ways that remain open, something that was visible, but not finished. We wanted our documentation to go beyond ‘representing’ children’s learning and focus on the aspects of the project that had been particularly thought provoking to us as educators and researchers. We wanted to invite families and other educators in the centre into our thinking. We knew our thinking was layered and evolving, and though carefully about how to best represent this. The above photo is an example of our experimentation with documenting our thinking and how it informed our walks, and how our walks informed our thinking.